e-learning 2.0-how Web technologies are shaping education 這篇文章裡,概略地介紹了e-learning 2.0 的概念以及對於未來的一些預測。其實這個名詞,是stephen Downes發明的,作者認為e-learning 2.0 是:

The traditional approach to e-learning has been to employ the use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), software that is often cumbersome and expensive - and which tends to be structured around courses, timetables, and testing. That is an approach that is too often driven by the needs of the institution rather than the individual learner. In contrast, e-learning 2.0  (as coined by Stephen Downes ) takes a 'small pieces, loosely joined' approach that combines the use of discrete but complementary tools and web services - such as blogs, wikis, and other social software - to support the creation of ad-hoc learning communities.

傳統的e-leaning,是憑藉著虛擬環境以及較為昂貴的軟體進行教學,而且傾向於較有結構的課程,這種學習動機通常是靠著團體的力量,而不是學習者本身的自我學習動機所引起的。但是呢,S先生他認為e-learning 2.0是將學習工具分成各個小塊,與web服務做互補。(比如我們正在使用的blogwiki,或是其他社會化的軟體)由這些東西來創造一個學習社群。

文中還有介紹許多blog的例子,以及Podcast (蘋果愛用者一定很知道)Podcast已經很常被使用在教育科技中:
Podcasting has become a popular technology in education, in part because it provides a way of pushing educational content to learners. For example, Stanford University has teamed up with Apple to create the Stanford iTunes University  - which provides a range of digital content (some closed and some publicly accessible) that students can subscribe to using Apple's iTunes software.

文中還有介紹一個很有趣的小軟體是ReadWriteThink Printing Press,可以讓大家自己做出報紙、小冊子、DM之類的東西。 然後本文作者,也設計了一個專門為學習而建構的Elgg,使用者可以看到自己的blogrss、可以用一些keywords跟其他的人做聯結等等。有興趣的人,自己連結到Elgg去瞧瞧吧。

總之呢,e-learning 2.0使用了一些方便的平台,讓學習者可以簡單(有嗎?)地利用,當然有許多是結合著免費的服務,而諸如blog、、wiki等等也是一個方便將資源及想法做分享的地方。就硬體上來說,的確是比較容易及方便。

但是骨子裡,還不是一直進行team work thinking或是知識分享。雖然在其中我們會看到很多personal的東西,而比較少團隊小組學習的產出物,但是學習有時候是必須要包含一種結構及方法的…就像跟波波所小姐聊天也必須要有文獻先生做伴一樣。(天啊,什麼爛比喻啊。)





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